What mat? No Mat?

So, down the road from me I have this store that everyone in the vicinity frequents and being one of those people I have come to know the owner a litte bit. I asked him if it was alright to hang a picture in his store in the hopes ( dear God please someone buy […]

Rare Aurora

Usually it’s cloudy/raining, daytime, clear but clouds to the north. There were clouds here but I think it didn’t hurt it too much. At this latitude I was shocked and amazed that you could see it ( more faintly) with your naked eye. I didn’t ever think I’d SEE it, but I could. It was […]

Lake Storm

Just heading to the corner store store in my PJ’s on a lazy Sunday to get a couple odds and ends and this is what greets me :) These are a couple quick edits I wanted to share ^^ View this post on Google+

Frozen lake

There are people with little shantys and tractors and stuff out there, so hopefully I was pretty safe . The bits that aren’t covered in the snow patches, VERY SLIPPERY. I don’t own the footwear for ice >.< Granted, it’s not the most exciting photo but, it is what it is.