"You can be covered and be very sexy

  It’s not what you show; it’s what you have in mind, the way you cross your legs, the way you talk to people.” Carine Roitfeld For day 3 of my B&WSPC ( my new abbreviation for Black and white self portrait challenge ) It is COLD in front of my computer and my little […]

Your words linger a little too long

I am dreaming up all sorts of wild things. Feeling the burning deep inside. It’s hard to please me, but I’m willing to let you try. This could be trouble, flying high and free. I am wanting for you so desperately. Show me how it is and take me there. I’m asking you now, to […]

A bit of Halloween Spirit

As the sun is setting, A chill is in the air. The goblins and ghouls are coming, It would be wise to prepare. Face paint and gauze, Blood,guts and gore, Witches and fairies, Which do you have in store? Frightening scenes await you, Too hair raising to believe. So gather your costumes, It’s All Hallows’ […]

Fractured Songs and Clipped Wings

Infinite sadness overwhelms. A flight of sorrow, a longing ache in The pit of your heart. Mind numbing grief and shock The feeling dimension of being misplaced Everything is so very wrong. Lost, you’re just so lost without them . Your old life only to be remembered Wistfully, through tears and sobs. Like piercing and […]

Outpost 28

This chick (the one writing this here blog post ;) ) is surfing on one happy wave at the moment. I have been given the opportunity to participate in an upcoming magazine called Outpost 28 as the resident poet :) From the site: ” OUTPOST 28  is a quarterly pulp magazine that features tales of […]

Soft &; Spoken

Sensual warmth, earthen spirit. Cool and aloof, lining of silver. A nest of red, comforting softness. Calm and gentle, quiet grace. #selfportriat   #soulexposed View this post on Google+


I cry out in my sorrow. For my love is my sorrow and my sorrow, is my love . I dance in this bittersweet. I swim through the locks so jagged and cold. Frozen cracks and dips and sharp buoyant daggers. The chilled flow caresses me like a heartless lover, with hands made of needles […]

Just One Sunbeam

Sweet fragility, not to be plucked from the earth and not to be trampled under foot. Pristine and pure, shrouded in the shadow of the forest. As just one sunbeam makes it’s way through the canopy of leaves, your thirst is quenched.